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The Bible App
Already installed on over 440 million unique devices all over the world, the Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online at

The Bible App for Kids
YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 55 languages, and is already installed on over 50 million unique devices all over the world.

Christ Mission Possible is a registered non-for-profit charity with a heart to help make a positive impact in our community. We are a Christian organization that is passionate about people, serving and assisting the most vulnerable in our community. We as the Church aim to help be a part of the Solution addressing some of the big issues in society like Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness and so “Food Solutions” and “Housing Solutions” were established.

All of our services are provided free of charge, supported by local people and businesses who recognize that WestCare is meeting real needs for real people. Please consider taking the opportunity to share in this great venture by donating today.

Our Mission
Bridging the Gap is an independent, not for profit, community organization, serving the community since 1984.o serve and build hope in those who are struggling, abused, addicted, disabled, homeless, neglected, lonely, disadvantaged or hurting in our community.
To create a safe place for people to learn, grow and rebuild through:
- Building capacity in families and their children to learn,
- Providing tools to build and rebuild relationships and by
- Fostering opportunities to heal

The NSW & ACT Baptist Association
Is a movement of more than 340 congregations committed to voluntarily serving together with a common purpose, values, vision and goal.
More than 43,000 people make up the Baptist family across the state and the nation’s capital. The Baptist movement of churches is the largest Protestant movement in the world.
By working together our movement of churches inspires greater accountability of ministry leaders, harnesses a greater potential to impact the world around us and provides a more professional and influential response to key issues that affect Baptist churches and our community.
Creating Safe Spaces
As part of fulfilling God’s call to love one another, the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT are committed to creating safe spaces in our local church contexts. We are committed to safe ministry practice which is God-honouring, person-valuing, respectful, and free from harm and abuse. Safe ministry is more than simply a risk management exercise or fulfillment of our legal obligations. Rather safe ministry is first of all an outworking of what James 1:27 calls true religion – caring for the vulnerable (widows and orphans), and an expression of what is required of all people, that is “to seek justice, love, mercy and walk humbly before our God” (Micah 6:8).

BaptistCare is a leading not-for-profit Christian based care organisation that has been serving the aged and people living with disadvantage for 75 years.
We support thousands of people across NSW and the ACT through more than 160 facilities and programs. From humble beginnings in 1944, BaptistCare has grown into one of the nation’s most respected care providers, employing more than 3,500 staff, with a further 1,000 volunteers.

“Morling College exists to equip and shape Christ-centered followers to impact the world.”
“Morling College values the gospel, people, and education that transforms you, your church, your communities, and the world.”
Morling College has been offering transformative education for over 100 years.