Our Commitment
The Church is committed to providing places, services and programs that promote physical, emotional and spiritual health and safety and model the love of Christ to all whom we have contact with, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.
If you would like more information on any of our policies, you can read or download some of them here.
Creating Safe Spaces Training
As part of fulfilling God’s call to love one another, the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT are committed to creating safe spaces in our local church contexts. We are committed to safe ministry practice which is God-honoring, person-valuing, respectful, and free from harm and abuse. Safe ministry is more than simply a risk management exercise or fulfillment of our legal obligations. Rather safe ministry is first of all an outworking of what James 1:27 calls true religion – caring for the vulnerable (widows and orphans), and an expression of what is required of all people, that is “to seek justice, love, mercy and walk humbly before our God” (Micah 6:8).